Mirage 36: Blue Impressionist Art Nude
Two Impressionist Art Nudes in Blue
Two more images from the last session with Mara, plus some background on their creation. More after the jump! (more…)
Blue Field
Just a quick image for today. This was the setup shot for one of the Mirage photographs (more later), but it has a great abstract quality to it. It reminds…
Abstract photography in China
A friend of mine just pointed out that earlier this week I had promised to post some more abstract photos from the China trip “tomorrow”. I guess time got away from me- mea culpa! More after the jump. (more…)
More on the Fuji x100: Do you need it?
Last week I posted some thoughts on the Fuji x100 as well as some photographs that I took in Boston. This week I have some additional images and the answer to “do I need this?” (more…)
Mirage 23: It’s not about the gear
Photographers love gear, and with so many excellent toys out there, it can be easy to get lost in GAS (gear acquisition syndrome). But in art, it’s not about the gear but the final product. Sometimes the most humble of tools gets us to the image. (more…)
Mirage 10 Update!
Mirage 10 accepted to Curiouser and Curiouser show! My image "Mirage 10" got accepted to the Curiouser and Curiouser: Photographic Dreams and Fictions juried show at the Vermont Photo Place…
Mirage 22
Mirage 22- abstract art nude photography in sheet metal. There are some photos that you know will be good when you take them, and there are ones that turn out…
Mirage 21
Mirage 21- from a series of abstract art nudes. My experiments with surface alterations to the metal plates continues! I brought out some of the surface markings by pushing the…
Mirage 20
Mirage 20: from a series of abstract art nudes. I've continued to work with the plate surfaces lately. The streaks and smudges on the copper mirror surface give this a…