A Night with Instant 8×10
Fotofilmic recently held a series of 8×10 Impossible film workshops and I got to attend one at the Griffin Museum of Photography. What a cool night! (more…)
Fotofilmic recently held a series of 8×10 Impossible film workshops and I got to attend one at the Griffin Museum of Photography. What a cool night! (more…)
Over the past year I’ve discovered the incredible value of professional mentorship. Read on to find out why you should seek out a mentor to improve your art. (more…)
Teaching Creativity. Another from the Photostudio conversations series. I mean, just how do you teach creativity in a class? (more…)
First in a series of posts inspired by conversations at the photo studio. First up: gear- it doesn’t make you a better photographer. Or could it? (more…)
It’s that time of year when photography websites and magazines start publishing “gift lists” of stuff that will supposedly improve your photography. This is kinda like that, but not. If you REALLY want to improve, read the rest below.
As artists we all need feedback and critiques in order to grow and portfolio reviews offer to provide it. Sometimes that feedback takes the form of subtle guidance and sometimes it comes as a shocking gut check, especially when we become too close to a body of work. Tim Gunn refers to this as “living in the monkey house”- when you first walk in the smell is completely overwhelming, but after awhile the stench fades until you no longer notice it. Critique can help an artist wake up and smell the monkey crap. (more…)
Two weekends ago I took part in an event called Critical Conversations hosted by the Griffin Photography Museum in Winchester, MA. It was a great learning experience and it reminded me of how and why independent critique is so valuable in creative fields like photography. More after the jump!
Last week I posted some thoughts on the Fuji x100 as well as some photographs that I took in Boston. This week I have some additional images and the answer to “do I need this?” (more…)
A poorly planned art nude shoot is not going to go well. Go in without a clear concept or even a concept beyond “nude woman in front of X” and you risk creating a boring image. The whole goal of the Art Nudes in Nature workshop was to avoid boring images. Hit the jump to see if we met that goal!
Dissolve an excess of sugar in water and the result will be a supersaturated solution. It looks stable, but anything- a spec of dust, a scratch or an extra crystal-…