Contouring with Color

Contouring with Color

contour with lighting art nude by Lucas James Anisotropic Images

I’ve been experimenting with color and how to use it to contour the body.

Color can have a profound effect on an image.  It brings physical separation/delineation as well as emotional content (hot or cold, etc).  I’ve been working with color to emphasize parts of the body- to make certain aspects stand out or to take on a particular feel.  I love red, but man does it bring a lot of power!


contour with lighting art nude by Lucas James Anisotropic Images

The red aspects almost got out of control here, and in fact I had to dial them back a bit.  But I love the way the color brings both an emotional intensity as well as providing contour to the body shape.   In the next photo, it serves a similar function albeit in a more subdued way.  The red calls attention to the lower half of the model’s body, emphasizing the elongation of her form while providing a counter-point to the cooler background tone.

contour with lighting art nude by Lucas James Anisotropic Images

I’ve got more color work coming- stay tuned!




Lucas James is a fine art photographer based in Manchester, NH.

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