Ending or Evolution?
How do you know when a project has ended?
I have been working on the metal mirror series of art nudes for nearly two years. (more…)
I have been working on the metal mirror series of art nudes for nearly two years. (more…)
We could hear the storm rolling up the valley, slowly rumbling in its ascent of our ridge line. (more…)
I spent some time revisiting images I made as part of a shoot last year. I didn’t originally intend to spend a day going back through an old Lightroom catalog, but a hard drive crash and rebuild necessitated a few hours spent reconnecting files. And in doing so I reconnected with some work I had forgotten about.
But as is the case with much of my life, that simply isn't true. For much of my career in science I have relied upon a solidly unscientific tool- my…
There is a certain irony in trying to photography cherry blossoms. Why try to preserve what is only beautiful because it is impermanent?
I exhale and molecules that once comprised my flesh are thrown forth.
Carbon atoms forged in the furnaces of ancient stars,
borrowed to build what stands before you,
now recycled to the air,
possibly to become flesh again.
I complete and am completed. (more…)