Last week I posted some thoughts on the Fuji x100 as well as some photographs that I took in Boston. This week I have some additional images and the answer to “do I need this?”New photography gear, whether it is a fast new lens, a high resolution body or a unique system like the Fuji x100 tend to spark the internal debate of “how can I get this?” The real question should be “what problem does this solve for me?” If a piece of gear allows me to do something that was previously not possible, or that took a lot of time/money/effort, then that is necessary gear. It can expand my photography and my art. Otherwise, it’s just a neat toy. In my book, the main strengths of the Fuji x100 are its light weight and image quality. It is mostly a great walk-about camera, with the limitations that I noted in the previous post.
But does it solve a problem for me? Truth be told, I’m not mainly a street photographer, so the answer is “no” in that regard. As far as having a walk-about camera, that is already a luxury category. The Fuji does a nice job, but when it comes to casual photography, so do some of my other cameras. The true high speed shutter sync (1/4000th) is very compelling as a creative tool. You can see some of what it allows you to create in these images. It is also one of the least expensive ways to get a leaf shutter sync in a serious camera- the next option up is medium format. For as interesting as I find that feature, I’ll stick with renting the Fuji for the time being. I can explore its possibilities without tying up a bunch of cash. Plus it will give me a chance to try out the newer model (the x100s) to see if the previously mentioned issues have been truly ironed out.
BTW, if you are in New England and want to try out the Fuji x100, consider renting it from The SOPHA in Manchester, NH.