Creating New Work

Monotone fine art nude photograph by Lucas James

My creative process is an exploratory (and often random) one.  It’s through the creation of the mirrors from sheets of metal and the subsequent photography that an image- an idea- reveals itself.  I find rather than plan.

Art Critique

Monotone fine art nude photograph by Lucas James

To me the value of creating art is in its freedom.  I am beholden to no one and can follow my creative whims wherever they may take me.  I do seek out and accept critique, but my reaction to it remains independent.  A recent reviewer suggested expanding the color pallet of my work after seeing a portfolio that utilized a lot of brown and orange tones.  I did explore adding color, but something in my unconscious led me to these images.

Monotone fine art nude photograph by Lucas James

Clean Pallet

The color works were interesting, but in many cases were “too much”.  So instinctively I went back to a baseline and removed the color from the photographs, not by desaturating but by just leaving out color.  It has helped me find  the base texture and tones of the different metals again.  Now I have a place to start and add back color but in a measured way.  Stay tuned!

Monotone fine art nude photograph by Lucas James



Lucas James is a fine art photographer who focuses on the human figure.  He is based in Manchester, NH.

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