Sometimes I need to let things, ideas or images simmer. Such as when I like an image, but I’m not sure if I love it. Some images are easy. Some you know are “it” the moment the shutter snaps. Others have to digest, simmer or just sit for awhile.

These are those sort of images. I like all of them and I like how the red in the background turned out. But I’m not sure how they fit into the current mirror series. They fit visually into the series, but I am questioning whether they add to it. But I do like the multi-faceted (pun intended) aspect. To me, it visualizes mental anguish or complex decision making- times when the mind moves rapidly from one subject to another. I’ll have to let these simmer mentally for a few days. I’ll print them and keep them on my desk and in the course of a week or so I’ll know if they belong in the series. Of course, maybe this is the start of a new series…